Showcasing a sauna and fitness center, Reykjanes Hostel is located in Vatnsfjörður in the region of Vestfirðir. Guests can enjoy the on-site restaurant. The hostel is on the same grounds as Hotel Reykjanes so guests are welcome to dine in the hotel restaurant or use the hotel Pool although that is not included in the price.

You will find a 24-hour front desk at the property.

You can check for availability

Just click here to book your stay!

Price pr night 7000.- ISK per person 


Check -in          From 16:00                |                 Check-out         Until 10:00

Things to look forward to – when you visit us

  • Outdoor Pool (all year)
  • Shared Kitchen
  • Fitness Center
  • Hiking
  • Experience the warmth and magic of the geothermal area.
  • Impeccable service and personal touches
  • An excellent restaurant
  • A lounge bar
  • A snack bar
  • Wi-Fi connection
  • A fully loaded Gym
  • A geothermal swimming pool
  • Hot tubs (of course)

FIND-USReykjanes is located in Isafjardardjup by the main road. There is both an airport and a dock located in Reykjanes. There is an excellent panoramic view, facing all Snæfjalla coast, all Langadalsströnd and Borgarey.

Reykjanes has many good trails to walk by and local places are marked. Peaceful mornings and evenings in Reykjanes, along with diverse birdlife and seals can be seen on the beach.

Reykjanes has a lot of geothermal energy and all buildings are heated by the local springs. Local swimming pool is 50 x 12.5 meters and is located below the hotel. The pool is also heated by self-running hot geothermal water. Surrounding most of the pool is a fence. There is also a sun-platform and steambath aside the pool along with extremely popular benches to sit on underneath the water. Dressing rooms are right next to the pool with good showers. The swimming pool is always warm and because of that, many travelers that visit Reykjanes, say that it is one of the most effective resting places in the Westfjords, because the fatigue and stress will disappear in the hot water and clean air.



The swimming pool is always warm and because of that, many travelers that visit Reykjanes, say that it is one of the most effective resting places in the Westfjords, because the fatigue and stress will disappear in the hot water and clean air


Enjoy the healing magic of the old green sauna, just sit back and let the natural geothermal heat work on relieving your stress


In Reykjanes we have a good fitness facility with weights and equipment. So if you feel the urge to do some serious weight training or you just feel like working off the some fine food we serve in our restaurant, the gym is there for you


Our wildlife includes all manner of creatures; whales, seals, birds and foxes.A great way of experiencing this; is simply to take a good long walk. And we have a lot of hiking trails, where you can truly experience Iceland’s nature


Delve into the deeps of the Ísafjarðardjúp with our experienced divers. Experience the life beneath the waves.


Iceland is beautiful! And there is hardly any better way to experience it, than from a Kayak.

Hótel Reykjanes

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